ما هي متلازمة داون. متلازمة داون

, book by Gottfried Lemperie, M "Gonadal function in patients with Down syndrome"
"The efficacy of tongue resection in treatment of symptomatic macroglossia in the child" "Comprehensive speech and language treatment for infants, toddlers, and children with Down syndrome"

Center for Disease Control 6 January 2006.

ما هي متلازمة داون؟
"Providing effective speech and language therapy for children with Down syndrome in mainstream settings: A case example"
أعراض متلازمة داون الشائعة
, and Dorin Radu, M
أعراض متلازمة داون
Down Syndrome Research and Practice
The Role of OT With Persons With Down Syndrome Ment Retard Dev Disabil Res Rev
Klaiman, P and E Arndt 1989 " The Role of OT With Persons With Down Syndrome

"Maternal age specific risk rate estimates for Down syndrome among live births in whites and other races from Ohio and metropolitan Atlanta, 1970-1989".

أعراض متلازمة داون
"Fertility in a male with trisomy 21"
الجينات في متلازمة داون
"Fertility in men with Down syndrome: a case report"
ما هي متلازمة داون ؟
Royal Society of Medicine Press
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening "Classification and nomenclature of morphological defects Discussion "
"John Langdon Down: The Man and the Message" A planning meeting was held on 20 March 1974, resulting in a letter to The Lancet

American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.

اعرف أكثر عن مرض متلازمة داون .. 9 جوانب عن الأنواع والأسباب والعلاج
"Classification and nomenclature of malformation Discussion "
اعرف أكثر عن مرض متلازمة داون .. 9 جوانب عن الأنواع والأسباب والعلاج
Genetic screening and prenatal genetic diagnosis
ما هي متلازمة داون؟ ما هي أسبابها؟
Sheridan R, Llerena J, Matkins S, Debenham P, Cawood A, Bobrow M 1989