ماذا نقول في سجود التلاوة. صفة سجود التلاوة والطهارة له

A: The debt of a man who has died and did not pay it should be paid out of his estate 11480 Q: A functionary whose salary does not meet his needs fell in heavy debt
213 Paying Off the Debt of the Deceased Fatwa no What should be done regarding this?

The Permanent Committee for Scholarly Research and Ifta' Member Deputy Chairman Chairman.

كيفية سجود التلاوة
May Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family and companions! He intended to pay back his debt, but he could not until his death
كيف تؤدى سجدة التلاوة
May Allah grant us success
كيفية سجود التلاوة


ماذا يقال في السجدة في القرآن
صفة أداء سَجْدة التِّلاوة خارجَ الصَّلاة
كيف تؤدى سجدة التلاوة