اب اليمن. إب (محافظة)

Economic Growth in the Republic of Yemen: Sources, Constraints, and Potentials World Bank Publications, Jan 1, 2002 p Stephen C Pelletiere, ARMY WAR COLL STRATEGIC STUDIES INST CARLISLE BARRACKS PA Yemen and Stability in the Persian Gulf: Confronting the Threat from Within p
Salmoni, Bryce Loidolt, Madeleine Wells Burrowes Historical Dictionary of Yemen p

Sarah Phillips Yemen's Democracy Experiment in Regional Perspective P.

The Semitic Languages Published October 23rd 1997 by Routledge p
إب (محافظة)
509 Greenwood Publishing Group, Jan 1, 1990• Yoel Natan Moon-o-theism Volume I of II p
مدينة إب اليمنية
Noel Brehony Yemen Divided: The Story of a Failed State in South Arabia p
Edward glasser, Punt And The South Arabian empires p Christopher Boucek, Marina Ottaway Yemen on the brink p
Lewcock, San'a'; An Arabian Islamic City, London 1983 p 43 APA Publications, Oct 1, 1990• Abdul Ali Islamic Dynasties of the Arab East: State and Civilization During the Later Medieval Times p

302 Greenwood Publishing Group, Jan 1, 1998• Schofield Territorial foundations of the Gulf states p.

القاعدة (اليمن)
Lightning Over Yemen: A History of the Ottoman Campaign in Yemen, 1569-71
مليشيا الحوثي تختطف شيخاً قبلياً موالياً لها في إب
326 Cambridge University Press, 1994• Willis Unmaking North and South: Spatial Histories of Modern Yemen p
اخبار اليمن الان
The Oxford Companion to American Politics