المتقدمة توظيف. وظائف ( مشغل ) في الشركة المتقدمة للبتروكيماويات بالجبيل

Equipment Sizing pumps, heat exchangers, vessels, tanks, safety valves, and pipelines• UNIPOL process technology training, Egypt DCS TPS training by DOW
One year experience in Fertilizers Company From graduation till august 2008 work in El-Nasr fertilizer company• Familiar with international codes and standards

Supervise chemical cleaning for condensers• -Nitrogen generation cryogenic plant: consists of air compressor centrifugal , air pre-cooling unit chiller unit use Freon as refrigerant , air pre-purifier unit to remove moisture from air, air separation unit cold box with expansion turbine , and liquid nitrogen storage tank -Instrument air system: consists of air screw, oil free type compressor, air dryer package absorb moisture, regenerated , AI holder.

شركة المدارس المتقدمة بالرياض تعلن فتح باب التوظيف للوظائف التعليمية 1443هـ
-Pelleting system KOBELCO EXTRUSION SYSTEM : -Waste water treatment is done by mean of API separator, whereas oil is separated from water and collected in waste drums
وظائف ( مشغل ) في الشركة المتقدمة للبتروكيماويات بالجبيل
High leadership and communication skills
شركة الإلكترونيات المتقدمة تعلن وظيفة مدخل بيانات للثانوية بدون خبرة
WORK EXPERIENCES Summer training: — El-Nasr fertilizer company production of NH3, HNO3, H2SO4, Ca NO3 2, NH4NO3
Refrigeration unit: contains LTS, interchanger plate fin exchanger , J-T valve Chemical engineering diploma in chemical engineering application 2 years May 2010
Conducting PHA for plant hazardous activities Full understanding of PSM elements operating procedures, mechanical integrity, MOC, PSSR…• — Flare stack: low pressure flare stack provided with flare tip intended for smokeless operation steam injection nozzle , FFG an ignition flame to light the pilots

Graduated project: production of methyl methacrylate monemer, degree- very good.

شركة الإلكترونيات المتقدمة
Full understanding of UNIPOL Polypropylene
شركة الإلكترونيات المتقدمة
Participating in the Start-up procedures for new storage silo for trucks loading
شركة المدارس المتقدمة بالرياض تعلن فتح باب التوظيف للوظائف التعليمية والإدارية
Fixed bed dryers to remove moisture