ونزعنا مافي صدورهم من غل. ما هو الغل

On the other hand, God will not impress His bounty upon the righteous; He will rather emphasize that Paradise is granted to them by way of compensation for their righteous conduct, that it is the fruit of their hard labour; that it is not like the crumbs of charity but a fair recompense for their striving Swahili - Al-Barwani : Na tutaondoa chuki iliyo kuwamo vifuani mwao wawe ndugu juu ya viti vya enzi wameelekeana• It will rather be just announced to them
Had it not been for Allah Who granted us guidance, we would not be on the Right Path Conversely the righteous look upon all the bounties which they receive as favours from God

中国语文 - Ma Jian : 我将拔除他们心中的怨恨,他们将住在下临诸河的乐园,他们将说:一切赞颂,全归真主!他引导我们获此善报,假如真主没有引导我们,我们不致于遵循正道。 What is said above about the Hereafter may be discerned in the attitude of the righteous in the world itself.

ونزعنا ما في صدورهم من غل
Somali - Abduh : Waxaana ka Siibnaa waxa ku Jira Laabtooda oo Xasada waxaana Dareeri Hoostooda Wabiyadii waxayna Dhahaan Mahad waxaa Mudan Eebaha Nagu Hanuuniyey kan Wanaagga Maanaan hanuuneen haddaan Eebe na hanuunin waxay la Timid Rassuladii Eebaheen Xaq waxaana loogu Dhawaaqay Tiinani waa Jannadii Laydin Dhaxalsiiyey Camalkiinna Dartiis• Their hearts will be purged of all hostile feelings and they will enter Paradise as cordial friends
تفسير ” ونزعنا ما في قلوبهم من غل إخوانا “
Italiano - Piccardo : Monderemo il loro petto da ogni risentimento e staranno fraternamente su troni [gli uni] di fronte [agli altri]• This refers to something of a fine and delicate character that will take place in Paradise
تفسير ” ونزعنا ما في قلوبهم من غل إخوانا “
' Bukhari, Kitab al-Riqaq, 'Bab al-Qasd wa a Mudawamah ala al-Amal' - Ed
Melayu - Basmeih : Dan Kami cabutkan segala dendam dan hasad dengki dari hati mereka di dalam Syurga yang mengalir beberapa sungai di bawah tempat masingmasing dan mereka pula bersyukur dengan berkata "Segala puji tertentu bagi Allah yang telah memberi hidayah petunjuk untuk mendapat nikmatnikmat ini padahal Kami tidak sekalikali akan memperoleh petunjuk kalau Allah tidak memimpin kami dengan taufiqNya; sesungguhnya telah datang Rasulrasul Tuhan kami dengan membawa kebenaran" Dan mereka diseru "Itulah Syurga yang diberikan kamu mewarisinya dengan sebab apa yang kamu telah kerjakan"• They are always fearful of God's reckoning lest their evil deeds are found to outweigh their good deeds On the contrary, they consistently repent over their lapses and earnestly turn to God in the hope that He will pardon them out of His grace and mercy
中国语文 - Ma Jian : 我清除他们胸中的怨恨,他们将成为弟兄,在高榻上相对而坐。 English - Sahih International : And We will remove whatever is in their breasts of resentment [so they will be] brothers on thrones facing each other• Significantly, 'Ali once recited this very verse and remarked: 'I wish that I and 'Uthman and Talhah and al-Zubayr will be among those about whom God has said: "And We shall take away all rancour from their hearts" ' verse 43 The more they are lavished with worldly favours, the more humble and generous they become

Indonesia - Bahasa Indonesia : Dan Kami lenyapkan segala rasa dendam yang berada dalam hati mereka sedang mereka merasa bersaudara duduk berhadaphadapan di atas dipandipan• Instead of boasting about their virtuous deeds which led them to Paradise, the righteous will thank and praise God profusely and acknowledge His grace and mercy without which they could never have entered Paradise.

تفسير ونزعنا ما في قلوبهم من غل إخوانا
They will not feel envious towards those who had formerly been opposed or hostile to them that they share with them the bounties of Paradise
ونزعنا ما في صدورهم من غل إخوانا على سرر متقابلين
" Dan diserukan kepada mereka bahwasanya dengan anna yang ditakhfifkan, yakni annahuu
للباب محبه عظيم الشيخ الروحانى محمد القبيسي 00201015003179
' When asked if that would apply to him as well, the Prophet peace he on him replied: 'Yes, in my case as well; unless God covers me with His mercy and favour
Reflection on the verse leads one to conclude that out of His mercy, God will first purge the righteous of their blemishes Atau dapat juga berasal dari an mufassirah itulah surga yang diwariskan kepadamu, disebabkan apa yang dahulu kamu kerjakan
The subtlety involved here is further brought into relief by the fact that the above response will not be made by God If there develops any rancour or ill-will among good people during the course of their worldly lives, such rancour and will be removed in the Hereafter

" Please refer also to E.

ونزعنا ما في صدورهم من غل
Moreover, they do not suffer from the illusion that their righteousness will certainly earn them their salvation
ونزعنا ما في صدورهم من غل
Somali - Abduh : waxaana ka siibnaa waxa laabtooda ku jira oo xiqdi ah waana walaalo sariira isqaabilsan ku sugan• Accordingly, they thank and praise Him out of gratitude
وَنَزَعْنَا مَا فِي صُدُورِهِم مِّنْ غِلٍّ
Swahili - Al-Barwani : Na tutaondoa chuki vifuani mwao na mbele yao iwe inapita mito Na watasema Alhamdulillah Kuhimidiwa ni kwa Mwenyezi Mungu ambaye aliye tuhidi kufikia haya Wala hatukuwa wenye kuhidika wenyewe ingeli kuwa Mwenyezi Mungu hakutuhidi Hakika Mitume wa Mola wetu Mlezi walileta Haki Na watanadiwa kwamba Hiyo ndiyo Pepo mliyo rithishwa kwa sababu ya mliyo kuwa mkiyafanya• Surely the Messengers of our Lord did indeed come down with truth