كيف تنام خلال خمس ثواني. نوم

"Improvement in daytime sleepiness with clarithromycin in patients with GABA-related hypersomnia: Clinical experience" EMH Swiss Medical Publishers Ltd
At the end of NREM sleep, the VLPO area neurons directly inhibit the REM-off cells, which completely disinhibits the REM-on cholinergic neurons and initiates REM sleep Biological rhythms, sleep, and hypnosis

"Sleep disturbances and hypocretin deficiency in Niemann-Pick disease type C".

نوم قهري
Miyagawa T, Miyadera H, Tanaka S, Kawashima M, Shimada M, Honda Y, Tokunaga K, Honda M; Miyadera; Tanaka; Kawashima; Shimada; Honda; Tokunaga; Honda 2011
نوم قهري
Mayer G, Ewert Meier K, Hephata K; Ewert Meier; Hephata 1995
"Sleep disturbances and hypocretin deficiency in Niemann-Pick disease type C" "Narcolepsy and automatic behavior: A case report"
Orexin neurons are significantly decreased in number in narcoleptic patients "The origin of REM sleep: A hypothesis"

Thus, the shift in the evening bedtime across cohorts accounted for the substantial decrease in sleep duration in younger children between the 1970s and the 1990s.

نوم قهري
"Use of subcutaneous flumazenil preparations for the treatment of idiopathic hypersomnia: A case report"
نوم قهري
The VLPO neurons are likely to have reciprocal interactions with the ARAS and orexin neurons