جاريد كوشنر. جاريد كوشنر يعتزم تأليف كتاب عن تجربته في البيت الأبيض

from the original on August 1, 2020 from the original on July 9, 2020
The federal conflict-of-interest laws cover not only Kushner's own holdings but also his spouse's holdings — in this case, trademarks and other business activities in China from the original on May 18, 2020

On August 24, 2017, Kushner traveled to to talk to Prime Minister with whom Kushner has longstanding personal links and family ties, causing Palestinians to distrust him.

جاريد كوشنر .
Kushner, a widely respected businessman and real estate developer was instrumental in formulating and executing the strategy behind President-elect Trump's historic victory
جاريد كوشنر.. 5 أشياء لا تعرفها عن صهر ترامب
He had been intimately involved with campaign strategy, coordinating Trump's visit in late August to Mexico, and he is believed to be responsible for the choice of as Trump's running mate
جاريد كوشنر يعتبر الصراع الفلسطيني الإسرائيلي ''خلافا عقاريا''
from the original on July 7, 2020
After , the UAE ambassador to the United States, wrote a June 2020 opinion piece warning that of in the occupied would threaten better relations between Israel and the Arab world, Kushner saw an opportunity and stepped in to facilitate talks from the original on January 1, 2018
from the original on April 16, 2017 from the original on April 28, 2020

from the original on July 2, 2020.

جاريد كوشنر, بقلم تييري ميسان
Kushner had no prior involvement in campaign politics or in government before Trump's campaign
جاريد كوشنر: خطة صعود نجحت أكثر من اللازم
جاريد كوشنر كبير مستشاري ترامب
from the original on March 20, 2017
Kaplan was followed by a series of short-lived successors until Kushner hired Elizabeth Spiers in 2011 from the original on June 22, 2017
In the address, Trump blamed Europeans and the Chinese for the virus, describing the virus as a "foreign virus" from the original on February 4, 2020

; Cook, Nancy; Isenstadt, Alex November 11, 2016.

جاريد كوشنر كبير مستشاري ترامب
The speech set off panic among Americans abroad who had to scramble to learn whether they could return to the United States and under what circumstances; this created chaos at airports in Europe and the United States
جاريد كوشنر.. باب الخروج من البيت الأبيض ينتظر «الطفل المعجزة»
October 30, 2016, at the , Vanity Fair
جاريد كوشنر.. باب الخروج من البيت الأبيض ينتظر «الطفل المعجزة»
Kurson had been a consultant to Republican political candidates in New Jersey