صحتي كورونا السعودية. صحتي احصائية كورونا في العالم مباشر احصائيات تفصيلية

- View issued sick leave
Those who are obese with a Body Mass Index BMI of over 40 Sehhaty is provided under the supervision of the Ministry of Health in Saudi Arabia, in line with its vision to improve the standards of healthcare and develop its services

Thank you for those who worked on the application.

حجز موعد تطعيم كورونا الجرعة الثانية عبر تطبيق صحتي
Citizens and residents over 50 years, and the rest of health practitioners
تطبيق صحتي كورونا ، تنزيل تطبيق صحتي لحجز موعد لقاح كورونا في السعودية 2021
Second Stage, Target Group: 1
وزارة الصحة السعودية تعلن تطعيم 3 ملايين شخص حتى اليوم
Those who are obese with a Body Mass Index BMI of over 40
Second Stage, Target Group: 1 They did not, and they will not, when you reached him
I cannot Update personal information Thank you to the health and border soldiers

Dear users: We update the app frequently in order to make it better for you.

صحتي احصائية كورونا في العالم مباشر احصائيات تفصيلية
Third Stage, Target Group: All citizens and residents wishing to get the vaccine
تطبيق صحتي.. تيسير الحصول على لقاح كورونا
Target Group: Citizens and residents who are over 65 years and professionals who are most vulnerable to infection
وزارة الصحة السعودية تعلن تطعيم 3 ملايين شخص حتى اليوم
Thank you to them and their families